Earth-27 Wiki


???: Prehistory - 2752 BCE

Before he was known as Zachariah, this being had an alternate origin as a different being entirely captured and inprisoned as an enemy of the Host. However the details of this have been redacted from the Record.

Zachariah: 2752 BCE - 1835 CE

Zachariah was introduced to the Heavenly Host by Uriel, who witnessed his hatching from a principal shard in the Garden of Eden. He was given the rank of Prince and said to be the "First of the Found" - the first a new sort of angel, the Erelim - those "reclaimed" or "converted ot the cause". Zachariah was assigned to oversee other Erelim and tasked to dispatch the Erelim to oppose the inferal or eldritch influences on the mortal interests of Heaven.

Zachariah: 1835 - 1989

Zachariah was given a denomination to oversee dring this time, but the Erelim remaining on Earth did not tolerate being overseen by one that was not of their kind. In the wake of an unprecedented amount of deaths on Earth, the Erelim held a number of departed souls hostage. They demanded that in exchange for the release of millions of souls bound for Heaven that Zachariah should be returned to his previous post.

Jack Hardemeyer: 1989 - Present

Zachariah was returned to his post as Overseer of the Erelim. He took the mortal identity of Jack Hardemeyer. After Hell's 2013 invasion of Earth, Zachariah made Star City his new home, overseeing the removal of the city's residual infernal elements.

Key Affiliations

  • Host of Heaven: Zachariah holds the rank of Prince and as such only answers to Thrones, Archangels, and the Presence. He is the Overseer of the Erelim, the Angels taksed with countering infernal Influence among Mortals.[1]

Threat Assessment


  • Erelim Physiology: Zachariah is an Erelim, an angel produced by supernal conversion and having hatched from a supernal crystal after metamorphosis. His original form was considerably powerful, making him roughly equivalent to a Principality, which is the rank he was given in the Hierarchy of Heaven. Like most angels, Zachariah has a grace instead of a soul.
    • Chronokinetic Suspension of Time: Zachariah can suspend the flow of time for himself and other Chronokinetics in his proximity. He can even temporarily also will other non- Chronokinetics to experience temporal suspension while in his proximity.
    • Dimnesional Shifting: At will, Zachariah can pass through any and all dimensional barriers which he has authority to traverse.
    • Enhanced Physicality: Zachariah is much stronger, resilient, agile, durable, and coordinated than he would seem.
    • Healing Touch: Zachariah has the ability to heal mortal injuries with relative ease using his supernal power.
    • Immortality: Zachariah does not age or suffer from most illness.
    • Limited Cosmic Awareness: Zachariah is aware of powerful events in the Void, regardless of his current physical location. He is also attuned to a psychic frequency which angels can use to communicate with one another across most of reality and its many subsidiary realities. He can also sense whenever someone speaks his name with the intent to call him to their location.
    • Linguistic Instinct: Zachariah can speak, read, understand, and write any and all mortal languages - including those which are encrypted.
    • Nigh-Invulnerability: Zachariah is not easily killed by violence.
    • Supernal Sorcery: Zachariah can use his supernal energies to fuel magical rituals,s pells, and perform other feats of magical manipulation. Zachariah has an astounding degree of occult knowledge at his disposal though he is not particularly adept at spellcraft, except those spells which he has continued to use on a frequent basis.
    • Supernatural Senses: Zachariah can perceive things on all dimensional frequencies, allowing him to see or hearthings that exist on a different plane or concealed, such as ghosts or nonmanifested angels on Earth.
    • Telepathy: Zachariah can read surface thoughts with some effort.
    • Teleportation: Zachariah can spatial apport to familiar location.
    • Winged Flight: Zachariah can fly at supersonis speeds with wings of supernal power. He can conceal the wings when not in use.


  • Enochian Laws: As a cosmic being, Zachariah is bound by ancient laws.
  • Vulnerability to Anti-Supernal Sorcery: Zachariah is a being made of Supernal energy and magic which affects such energy can affect him.
  • Vulnerability to Eldritch and Infernal Energy: Powerful Eldritch ad Infernal Energy can contaminate an angel's grace, causing mutation from prolonged exposure to a significant source of such energies.
  • Envy: Zachariah is often jealous of angels of a higher rank than his own.
  • Chaotic: Zachariah still enjoys a residual fondness for sowing chaos and has a hard time resisting opportunities to stir the pot a little.


  • Physicality: 6 - World-Class / Superb
  • Occult: 6 - World-Class / Superb
  • Weaponry: 6 - World-Class / Superb
  • Expertise: 6 - World-Class / Superb
  • Range: 6 - World-Class / Superb
  • Strategy: 6 - World-Class / Superb

Trivia and Notes


  • Zachariah has a Threat Assessment ranking of 150, marking him as an Apex Threat.


  • Jack Hardemeyer is a character from the Ghostbusters 2 movie and its related media.
  • Jack is composed with the angel Zachariah from the Supernatural TV series.
  • His appearance is based on the actor Kurt Fuller, who portrayed both characters.

Links and References

  • Appearances of Jack Hardemeyer
  • Character Gallery: Jack Hardemeyer