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VOX Box The Host v Leon Meager

VOX Box: The Host v Leon Meager



VOX Archive[]

  • Imogen: Open the door.
  • Leon Meager: [muffled groan, muffled chains rattling] [muffled:] Hello... Is someone out there?
  • Angel Guard 1: [throat clears] Lady Imogen, I'm sorry but we have orders-
  • Leon Meager: [chains rattling] [muffled:] Imogen? Imogen, this is Leon!
  • Imogen: [sigh] Soldier, how old are you?
  • Angel Guard 1: Uh... I'm sorry?
  • Leon Meager: [muffled:] Imogen, can you hear me? [muffled chains rattling]
  • Angel Guard 2: [whisper:] You better answer her. You're going to get both of us in the stockade.
  • Angel Guard 1: I'm not sure I understand-
  • Imogen: You don't know how old you are?
  • Angel Guard 2: [whisper:] Now you've done it.
  • Angel Guard 1: Be quiet... [pause, sigh] I was born in the Time of Raguel. The Era of Peace.
  • Imogen: So you're significantly older than I am.
  • Angel Guard 1: Yes. That is correct.
  • Imogen: And in all that time you never bothered to learn that when a General of the Pax Dei tells you to do something, that is an order.
  • Angel Guard 1: Uh...
  • Leon Meager: [muffled chains rattling] [muffled:] I know your father! We're close friends!
  • Imogen: Well? [sigh] I don't have all day, soldier.
  • Angel Guard 1: I understand that you have given me an order, but we have already been given an order which conflicts with yours.
  • Imogen: Which orders are those?
  • Angel Guard 1: We're not at liberty to-
  • Imogen: I was not speaking to you. [feet shuffling] You... What orders are those?
  • Angel Guard 2: We are not to allow anyone to speak to the prisoner before his tribunal.
  • Imogen: Who have that order?
  • Angel Guard 2: Our harrier.
  • Imogen: And that is?
  • Angel Guard 2: Batariel.
  • Imogen: Does Harrier Batariel hold the rank of Lord Harrier?
  • Angel Guard 2: [under breath:] No...
  • Imogen: I'm sorry?
  • Angel Guard 2: No, ma'am.
  • Imogen: So when I tell you to open the door, his standing orders are superseded by my own, and thus...
  • Angel Guard 2: We will open the door for you at once, General. [keys jingling]
  • Imogen: I like you. If you wish to join the Spirit Host, speak with me and we'll see about setting you up with the rank of Harrier.
  • Angel Guard 2: Yes, ma'am! [keys inserted into lock, lock disengaging, door opens]
  • Imogen: [footsteps] Thank you. [pause, feet shifting] We are not to be disturbed... And that is an order.
  • Angel Guard 2: Yes, ma'am! [door closes]
  • Angel Guard 1: [muffled:] You're such a plume-groomer.
  • Angel Guard 2: [muffled chuckle] [muffled:] That's Harrier Plum-Groomer, soldier.
  • Leon Meager: [clamber, chains rattling] Imogen...
  • Imogen: [fabric shifting] One moment, Leon. [footsteps, clatter, lock disengaging]
  • Leon Meager: [shackles open, metallic clatter] You have a key?
  • Imogen: Yes. I came here prepared. Is that better?
  • Leon Meager: [hand rubbing wrist] Yes... Much.
  • Imogen: Mythril chains are unpleasant. [sigh] Do you know why you are being held?
  • Leon Meager: No... [pause] But if I had to guess, I'm sure my escape from the stockades did not make me a poster boy for Pax Dei recruitment centers.
  • Imogen: Oh, your face is on a few posters...
  • Leon Meager: [sigh] I was afraid you would say that.
  • Imogen: Fortunately, not much could be done about it while the Silver Throne was vacant. [pause, footsteps, body leaning against wall]
  • Leon Meager: I figured as much
  • Imogen: Unfortunately, the Silver Throne is no longer vacant.
  • Leon Meager: Wait... What?
  • Imogen: A new Almighty has been chosen.
  • Leon Meager: Uh... [hand scratching head] Perhaps I hit my head when I was summoned...
  • Imogen: Your head looks fine.
  • Leon Meager: For a moment I thought you said that there's a new Almighty on the Silver Throne.
  • Imogen: That's exactly what I said.
  • Leon Meager: But- [sigh]
  • Imogen: ... [pause] But?
  • Leon Meager: [sigh] I'm confused... Last I heard the Presence was in the wind.
  • Imogen: Yes. His whereabouts are unknown to Heaven.
  • Leon Meager: So... Who is on the Throne?
  • Imogen: My brother.
  • Leon Meager: I... I thought he was dead.
  • Imogen: No. My younger brother.
  • Leon Meager: [gasp] He has returned to the Silver City?
  • Imogen: [sigh] No. Not that one. The other one... My much younger brother.
  • Leon Meager: Wally?
  • Imogen: That's the one.
  • Leon Meager: Wally is-? [sigh] How did that happen? He's-
  • Imogen: Already a God. It made sense enough for Asmodel to convince Rrall and Heraphon to go along with it.
  • Leon Meager: What do Rrall and Heraphon have anything to do with-?
  • Imogen: [hand knocking on wall] Oh, these walls are Mythril, too. You can't get angel radio reception in here, can you?
  • Leon Meager: No...
  • Imogen: [sigh] You don't know what happened?
  • Leon Meager: No. What happened?
  • Imogen: [sigh] It's a long story, Leon. We don't have much time.
  • Leon Meager: Tell me!
  • Leon Meager: I can't believe it... [sigh] The archangels are... gone.
  • Imogen: Exiled. They're not dead.
  • Leon Meager: This isn't good.
  • Imogen: It's not ideal
  • Leon Meager: But you did this!
  • Imogen: It was that or a much mor egrim alternative.
  • Leon Meager: Like?
  • Imogen: Let Sandalphon make them disappear somewhere in the depths of the stockade.
  • Leon Meager: Sandalphon is behind this, too?
  • Imogen: I suspect Sandalphon may be behind a lot of [expletive] that's been happening.
  • Leon Meager: Like?
  • Imogen: Michael's increasingly erratic behavior the last... I don't know. Two decades?
  • Leon Meager: He hasn't always been like that?
  • Imogen: Oh, no... He's always been an oversized douchebag, but he was better about concealing it.
  • Leon Meager: So, you think Sandalphon's... what? Drugging him?
  • Imogen: [scoff] No... [pause] Well, maybe... It's possible. Anything is possible with Sandy... But my money would be on her stoking Michael's ego and prying the cracks in his armor open so they're more visible.
  • Leon Meager: I'm not... I don't follow.
  • Imogen: One fo the big secrets around here is that we angels aren't as perfect as we like to believe we are. It's in our code to be flawed creatures. The Presence prefers us that way, in fact. He's always preferred an imperfect beauty to a flawless creation.
  • Leon Meager: I have heard Gabriel mention this before... So what's our flaw?
  • Imogen: The Presence also doesn't like things homogenized. So, we're all different... but if you look closely, it's easy enough to spot the flaws in our design. [pause] Take your friend Castiel for example. Surely you've seen his flaw.
  • Leon Meager: ... [pause] Uh... I like to look at the good in people, actually.
  • Imogen: [scoff] Wow, you are a choir boy, aren't you? [chuckle] Well, fair enough... Castiel loves food. Particularly red meat.
  • Leon Meager: [scoff] That's not a flaw. That's... uh... personality quirk. It makes him interesting.
  • Imogen: It does make him interesting. Castiel is easily one of my top ten favorite angels, but he abandoned his charge to go eat burgers with you...
  • Leon Meager: Oh... Yeah... Okay. I can see how that's a problem.
  • Imogen: But it's fine. These sorts of things are permitted. They are our discreet indulgences. But if you know these things exist, and you're a sinister [expletive] like Sandalphon... You can exploit these weaknesses in others.
  • Leon Meager: So you think that's what Sandalphon has done? You think she's hacked Michael's code to make him look bad?
  • Imogen: More or less. Yeah... Social manipulation is an effective tool , believe me... and Sandalphon can be a master at it with enough time and effort.
  • Leon Meager: How? [pause] I mean... I know Gabriel and Lucifer have their issues with him, but Michael is a revered figure here. He is the Heir to the Heaven- [pause] Or, I guess, he was... What flaws could he have?
  • Imogen: [sigh] Envy... He's jealous of his siblings... He's jealous of his son. He's jealous of everything. He's extremely comptetitive. [pause] What's that?
  • Leon Meager: What?
  • Imogen: That look on your face.
  • Leon Meager: What look?
  • Imogen: You made a look.
  • Leon Meager: No. No look.
  • Imogen: When I said 'competitive' you had a- [gasp, footsteps] There it is again!
  • Leon Meager: [nervous chuckle] There's no look!
  • Imogen: You're an awful liar... [scoff, chuckle] You know something about Michael's competitive drive, don't you?
  • Leon Meager: ... [sigh] I couldn't even begin to explain it to you. I can't even explain it myself... not really.
  • Imogen: No... There was a look.
  • Leon Meager: Look, there was no look, okay?
  • Imogen: You're lying... [scoff] To a trickster. [pause] Not a good plan.
  • Leon Meager: ... [sigh] I couldn't even begin to explain it to you. I can't even explain it myself... not really.
  • Imogen: Oh, well, no bother. Look, we're almost out of time. Your tribunal will begin soon. [footsteps] I am here to tell you that under no circumstances are you to reveal your true identity.
  • Leon Meager: What? [pause, nerovus chuckle] What true identity?
  • Imogen: You're doing it again... Lying to a trickster. [sigh] You're blessed with an incredible face and body, but you're lacking in the brains, huh?
  • Leon Meager: [sigh] I mean... I am the 'Meager Muse', right?
  • Imogen: [scoff] Don't call yourself that.
  • Leon Meager: Why not? It fits...
  • Imogen: No. It doesn't... [pause] It's a horrible title for the great Apollyon to bear.
  • Leon Meager: [gasp] You know?
  • Imogen: Hello? Trickster! [scoff] It's best if you just assume I know everything.
  • Leon Meager: I feel that's the sort of thing you'd say to make people tell you things you don't already know.
  • Imogen: Huh... Maybe you are smarter than you look.
  • Leon Meager: But... how do you know? And... do you know about... the other thing?
  • Imogen: One question at a time, beefcake. [chuckle] Sorry. Just a bit of friendly banter. [light punch to bicep] Oh... [giggle, pause, hand squeezing arm] Oh... Wow. You are beefy, aren't you? [giggle, pause, throat clears] Yes, so... Uh... between you, me, and your incredible biceps, I may be in league with... uh... [gasp, nervous giggle] Is it hot in here? [fabric shifting, hand peeling paper off candy, plop, slurp, relieved sigh] Yeah... That's better. [footsteps] So, uh... Where was I?
  • Leon Meager: Uh.. I have no idea anymore. [pause] What just happened?
  • Imogen: [scurp, scoff] Nothing... Nothing happened. Don't worry about it- [gasp, footsteps] Ah, yes. I remember now. So, uh, just between us, I'm working with Sara. [pause, slurp] You know Sara, right? [giggle]
  • Leon Meager: What's that look?
  • Imogen: You know her... Well, the old you did... No. Scratch that. Both of the old yours knew her...
  • Leon Meager: [sigh] Yes. That is what I'm told... [pause] Wait, you're working with her? [pause]
  • Imogen: [slurp] Look, we're out of time. [footsteps, knock, knock] Just remember what I said... Okay? And... I'll see you around, eh? [giggle, slurp]
  • Angel Guard 1: [door opens] ...
  • Imogen: Good luck, kid. [slurp, footsteps]
  • Angel Guard 1: [whisper:] Yeah, good luck. You're going to need it. [chuckle, door slams shut] [muffled:] Did you hear that? I said...
  • Angel Guard 2: [muffled:] Yeah. I heard you. I'm standing right next to you... [muffled scoff] Idiot!
  • Eithne: [door opens] Hey. [paper crinkles] Leonardo?
  • Leon Meager: Yeah?
  • Eithne: On your feet.
  • Leon Meager: Might I ask for what purpose?
  • Eithne: It's nearly the eleventh hour.
  • Leon Meager: [sigh, clamber, footsteps] Very well...
  • Eithne: Hold up. [footsteps, fabric shifting, keys jingling] Let me remove your restraints for you-
  • Leon Meager: [footsteps] Don't bother. They were bothering my wrists...
  • Eithne: How did you-? [pause, scoff, rapid footsteps] Hey, slow down. I'm meant to escort you.
  • Leon Meager: Then keep up. [footsteps] I don't have all day...
  • Eithne: [scoff, footsteps] Don't make me hurt you. [grapple]
  • Leon Meager: [sigh, footsteps] ...
  • Eithne: [door opens, footsteps] Seraph Eithne with the Accused, O Holy Metatron.
  • Sandalphon: Bring him forth so that he may stand before the Almighty's court.
  • Leon Meager: [whisper:] Wait... Sandalphon is Metatron?!
  • Eithne: [whisper:] Where have you been? It's been all over the ether.
  • Leon Meager: [under breath:] [expletive]!
  • Sandalphon: [silver orb smashed on silver plate] The Accused will keep a civil tongue in the Almighty's court.
  • Leon Meager: [sigh] ...
  • Sandalphon: Do you understand me, muse?
  • Leon Meager: [pause] What did you call me?
  • Sandalphon: Are you not the one called "Leonardo, the Meager Muse"?
  • Leon Meager: ...
  • Sandalphon: The Accused will answer the question.
  • Leon Meager: I do not recognize that distinction.
  • Amenadiel: [whisper:] What is he doing?
  • Imogen: [whisper:] I don't know... [sigh] I think he might... [groan]
  • Sandalphon: I beg your pardon?
  • Leon Meager: I believe the records oh Heaven will note I am not a muse - having been removed from duty and placed in the stockades of Pax Dei. [pause] If I am not mistaken, only soldiers of the Pax Dei can be placed in the stockades of Px Dei. [pause] Therefore, I would expect the Divine Record thus lists me as a soldier of the Pax Dei... likely assigned to the Bull Host for reconditioning.
  • Sandalphon: [paper shuffling] ... Yes... [sigh, paper shuffling] What of it?
  • Leon Meager: As a member of the Pax Dei, I request my tribunal be overseen by a representative of my Pax Dei Host.
  • Sandalphon: The record also states you fled from the custody of the stockade. Therefore, you are no longer a soldier of the Pax Dei.
  • Leon Meager: I am Pax Dei until court-martialed. Am I not?
  • Sandalphon: You were court-martialed in-absentia.
  • Leon Meager: I have not been made aware of such. May I see the paperwork detailing the findings of that court-martial?
  • Sandalphon: No.
  • Leon Meager: With all due respect, I equest to see the Record.
  • Sandalphon: I don't care. This is my court. You aren't allowed to see your own page. Rules are rules. Your motion is denied and this court shall commence-
  • Amenadiel: [throat clears] Excuse me.. [clamber]
  • Imogen: [whisper:] What are you doing?
  • Amenadiel: [whisper:] He needs help... and while you can't help him, maybe I can...
  • Sandalphon: [sigh] The court recognizes the Great Prince Amenadiel.
  • Amenadiel: [footsteps] I believe this court belongs to the Almighty.
  • Sandalphon: Of course, it does...
  • Amenadiel: It'sust that you called it your court just a moment ago.
  • Sandalphon: [sigh] Perhaps you have forgotten, dear brother, I am the Metatron, I wield the Vox Dei. I speak with the authority of the Almighty.
  • Amenadiel: I have not forgotten that distinciton, sister.
  • Sandalphon: When I say this is my court, it is implied that I speak on the behalf of the Almighty.
  • Amenadiel: I'm glad we have that on the Record. [footsteps]
  • Sandalphon: What are you-? [sigh] Amenadiel, will you please return to the dais so that we may continue?
  • Amenadiel: Actually, since we got that on the Record, I'd like to get something else on the Record.
  • Sandalphon: [sigh] What is it?
  • Amenadiel: I shall be standing in as Advocate for the Accused.
  • [scattered gasps: multiple instances]
  • Sandalphon: [groan] Surely you jest.
  • Amenadiel: I do not.
  • Sandalphon: Fine... Does the Accused yield his voice to Amenadiel as Advocate?
  • Leon Meager: Uh...
  • Amenadiel: Might I have a brief recess to speak with the Accused?
  • Sandalphon: No. You cannot request a recess unless you are the Advocate for the Accused... and it sounds like he's uncertain he wishes your assistance.
  • Leon Meager: I yield my voice to Amenadiel.
  • Sandalphon: [groan] Fine... Amenadiel now stands as Advocate for the Accused.
  • Amenadiel: And as Advocate, I request a recess.
  • Sandalphon: Denied.
  • Amenadiel: On what grounds?
  • Sandalphon: I'm annoyed by these stalling tactics.
  • Amenadiel: I request to seethe Accused's page in the Record.
  • Sandalphon: That will take time to fulfill.
  • Amenadiel: The Accused and I are but patient servants of the Almighty.
  • Sandalphon: ... [sigh]
  • Wally the Almighty: [door opens, footsteps, door closes] Hey everybody!
  • Sandalphon: What's this now?
  • Asmodel: [gasp] [whisper:] What's he doing here?!
  • Rrall: [clamber, throat clears] Holy, holy, holy, the Lord God the Almighty, who was and is and is to come.
  • Heraphon: Holy, holy, holy, the Lord God the Almighty, who was and is and is to come.
  • Imogen: Holy, holy-
  • Wally the Almighty: Hey! [nervous chuckle] At ease... It's, uh, it's fine. You, uh, don't have to do that everytime I walk into a room, okay?
  • Sandalphon: The Almighty... [nervous chuckle] What brings you here?
  • Wally the Almighty: [door opens, footsteps] Oh, you know... Out for a stoll. [foosteps on stairs] Hey, Sandalphon, mind if I sit here?
  • Sandalphon: No... Of course not. [pause, clamber, feet shuffling] But, if I may, Your Grace... I believe You asked me to oversee this tribunal.
  • Wally the Almighty: Yeah... [body drops into a chair, sigh] I did, but... Then it was brought into my attention that this was the tribunal of my good friend. [pause] You see, I didn't know that earlier, but now I do... and I want to handle this.
  • Sandalphon: If he is Your friend, then perhaps it is best to recuse Yourself to avoid any-
  • Wally the Almighty: Any... what?
  • Sandalphon: Uh... {Sandalphon looks to Asmodel}
  • Asmodel: ... {Asmodel shakes his head in the slighest manner}
  • Sandalphon: [nervous chuckle] Nothing... No matter, Grace. You know best. I was a fool to question Your Judgement. Please... [footsteps] Proceed.
  • Wally the Almighty: [hands rapping on silver] Alright... What's up? [papers shifitng] Huh... Oh! These are some serious charges. How does Leonardo-
  • Sandalphon: The Accused.
  • Wally the Almighty: [chuckle] Right... Yes. How does the Accused profess?
  • Leon Meager: Uh, I profess-
  • Amenadiel: [throat clears nudge] ...
  • Leon Meager: [under-breath:] Right... Sorry. I forgot, you're my voice.
  • Amenadiel: The Accused profess innocence, Your Grace.
  • Wally the Almighty: Hmm... [papers shifting] On all accusations?
  • Amenadiel: Yes.
  • Wally the Almighty: Okay. I'll make this easy. [sigh] I don't seemuch reason to drag this whole thing out. I think we can all agree that mistakes were made and-
  • Sandalphon: Your Grace-
  • Wally the Almighty: Please allow me to finish.
  • Sandalphon: Of course, Your Grace.
  • Wally the Almighty: I think we can allow the Accused off with a warning.
  • Sandalphon: {Sandalphon looks at Asmodel} ...
  • Asmodel: {Asmodel nods} ...
  • Sandalphon: [footsteps] Ah, uh... Your Grace... There is one other matter.
  • Wally the Almighty: Oh?
  • Sandalphon: [wshisper:] The Accused requested his right as Pax Dei for a court-martial.
  • Wally the Almighty: Oh... Huh... Yes. That does change things, doesn't it?
  • Amenadiel: Your Grace?
  • Wally the Almighty: It hasbeen brought to my attention that Leon- [sigh] "The Accused" has requested his right as Pax Dei to face court-martial instead.
  • Amenadiel: It if pleases your Grace, the Accused shall withdraw his request.
  • Wally the Almighty: Can he do that?
  • Sandalphon: No. It's part of the Record now. It must be given its full attention before-
  • Leon Meager: Excuse me? Just moments ago you dismissed without consideration and-
  • Amenadiel: [throat clears, nudge] ...
  • Asmodel: [clamber] Advocate, contain the Accused or we shall do it for you.
  • Amenadiel: [unamused chuckle] Of course, Lod Harrier. My apologies.
  • Wally the Almighty: [sigh] Okay, well... It seems that I'm a little restrained in what I can do... So I guess I'll just have to turn this tribunal over to the Lord Harrier.
  • Asmodel: Thank You, Your Grace. [footsteps, footsteps on stairs] It would be my honor.
  • Amenadiel: Your Grace-
  • Wally the Almighty: I'm sorry, Amen. [clamber] Rules are rules. [footsteps]
  • Asmodel: Yes. They are... [body settling into chair] Now, let's discuss the rules broken by the Accused.
  • Wally the Almighty: Wait a minute... [footsteps] I think I make the rules, don't I?
  • Asmodel: No! [pause] I mean... The Presence has always afforded the Pax Dei a great deal of autonomy.
  • Wally the Almighty: Right... But I'm not the Presence. [chuckle] Things change.
  • Sandalphon: No, they most certainly do not!
  • Wally the Almighty: Oh. I'm sorry, Gabriel... I didn't recognize you there. [pause] Wait... No. You're not Gabriel. [chuckle]
  • [scattered laughter: multiple instances]
  • [stifled laughter: 3 instances] Imogen: ... Amenadiel: ... Leon Meager: ...
  • Wally the Almighty: Yet, you are the Metatron... so that tells me that things do change. Therefore... Let's change the rules!
  • Asmodel: Your Grace... this arbitrary behavior is not becoming of the Almighty.
  • Wally the Almighty: Is that so?!
  • Leon Meager: [whisper:] What's going on here?
  • Amenadiel: [whisper:] I have no Heavenly idea.
  • Leon Meager: [whisper:] That's a relief. I thought I was the only on confused.
  • Asmodel: [groan] The court-martial stands in recess. [silver orb strikes on silver plate] [wshiper:] Your Grace... A word? [footsteps, grapple]
  • [footsteps: 2 instances, door opens, footsteps: 2 instances, door closes] Wally the Almighty: ... Asmodel: ...
  • Leon Meager: So, uh, what now?
  • Amenadiel: You'll be turned over to my custody. [sigh] It's important neither of us leaves the Silver City.
  • Leon Meager: But I, uh, have affairs to attend to on Earth.
  • Amenadiel: Not anymore you don't. If you leave the Silver City in the midts of a tribunal, Pax Dei will hunt us both down... and there won't be a tribunal.
  • Leon Meager: [sigh] Understood... [under-breath:] Please forgive me, Ellie...
  • Eithne: [footsteps] Amenadiel.
  • Amenadiel: Eithne... Is there somthing I can help you with?
  • Eithne: Lord Heraphon has tasked me to keep watch over the Accused until the tibunal reconvenes. [pause] I trust that won't be a problem?
  • Amenadiel: Not a problem at all... Right, Leon?

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