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VOX Box Born Again

VOX Box: Born Again



  • The World Forge, Murum Tempus
  • November 24th 2016, 1709 Universal Time

VOX Archive[]

  • [blipts: 3 instances, wings flap: 3 instances, footsteps: 3 instances, supernal thrums: 3 instances, wings fold: 3 instances, footsteps: 3 instances]
  • Donna Rich: Where have you brought us, Sara?
  • Saraquael: Do you not recognize your nursery?
  • Leon Meager: Nursery? What kind of nursery is this?
  • Saraquael: This is the cradle of all life. [pause] Well, the cradle where all souls are born from.
  • Donna Rich: No... Souls spring from the Void. [pause] Don't they?
  • Leon Meager: I... I think so.
  • Saraquael: This is where most souls are to be found, to be sure — whether fettered or unfettered. However, it is not where they originate. If souls just sprang from the Void, why do you think they would be so cherished and precious? Why would demons trade fortunes and power for a single soul? [pause, body leaning on wall, arms folding] The answer is that they are the ultimate collector's item. Every soul is unique. Every soul holds unquantifiable potential. Even if that potential is difficult to utilize.
  • Donna Rich: Okay... Sure. But what does this have to do with us? We don't have souls.
  • Saraquael: [scoff] Nonsense... [sigh, pause, footsteps] Do you really think you don't have a soul?
  • Leon Meager: Angels don't have souls.
  • Saraquael: And yet you have a soulmate? Explain that.
  • Leon Meager: Uh... Well... [pause, sigh] I can't.
  • Saraquael: How about you? Creativity, imagination, resolve, faith, and the most powerful emotions spring from souls. Do you think you lack those things?
  • Donna Rich: No.
  • Saraquael: Then do you believe you have a soul?
  • Donna Rich: [pause, sigh] We are ariels. We are the muses of Heaven. We channel such things. We are conduits of potential. We do not possess it ourselves. Among the Host of Heaven, only the angels of the Order of the Thrones and Archangels have souls, in addition to their grace.
  • Saraquael: That is propaganda. Every angel has a soul... It is merely overshadowed by their grace in most circumstances.
  • Leon Meager: What?
  • Donna Rich: [scoff] Nonsense. The Presence would never lie to us.
  • Saraquael: [chuckle] You think my Father has any idea how souls work? He was born in a time billons of years before essomantic studies were a thing. [scoff, chuckle] Please, do not incite me to laughter... You know how well the elderly adapt to new things.
  • Leon Meager: If this was not propaganda from the Presence... then who?
  • Donna Rich: Michael.
  • Saraquael: No.
  • Leon Meager: Raphael?
  • Saraquael: My brothers are crafty, but they aren't as devious as their sister.
  • Donna Rich: Uriel!
  • Saraquael: [scoff] No... Yours truly.
  • Leon Meager: [gasp] Why would you lie to us?
  • Saraquael: It's not a matter of deception. It was a matter of telling someone what they needed to hear in order to prevent stagnation. [sigh, footsteps] Before I existed, there was no mortal life. The universe and all the realities to it were populated solely by immortals and other cosmic beings. I created the concept of life... Well, a more precious and finite existence than had existed before. [sigh] A life to be cherished. But when I began my experiments, there was a movement among the Host that did not understand what I was trying to do. When the basic lifeforms I was working with began to exhibit souls, my own kind objected to this. While I saw the miraculous, they only saw the offensive. So... I had to assure them that we were nothing like these bacteria I was developing. I told them this energy inside them — these souls — were only found in those born from biological origins. Therefore, only the archangels had such things. [sigh] For whatever reason, that was a comfort.
  • Donna Rich: And they bought this all that time?
  • Saraquael: No... [sigh] Not all of them did. [footsteps] Samael saw through my ploy from the beginning. [chuckle] I even had my own parents convinced I knew what I was talking about, but I could never pull a fast one on my big brother. [sigh] That's why they call him the Prince of Lies, I suppose... even if he is disgustingly honest. [scoff, chuckle] Gabriel was born with a similar lust for life as Samael and I. He refused to accept that idea, too.
  • Donna Rich: Wait... if Lucifer knew the then—
  • Saraquael: He knew that there was this tricky thing that came with having a soul... Free will. So, among those closest to him, he would assure them they had a soul. He would prove this to them by demonstrating they had their own agency of choice. [long sigh] This debate went on for a while. Eventually, Michael and my other siblings also saw that Samael had the right of things... and yet, they kept their silence. They saw the value in exploiting my innocent lie. They could control the Host easier if they believed they didn't have to wrestle with choices. It kept them from questioning our authority. [sigh] The biggest disaster in Heaven's history all started with my deception. [long sigh] I had good intentions, but you know what they say about such things... They pave the way to Hell.
  • Leon Meager: Wait... Are you saying—?
  • Saraquael: [sigh] I planted the seeds for the Morningstar Rebellion.
  • Donna Rich: Sara you can't believe you are to blame for that...
  • Saraquael: [scoff] Oh, trust me, young one. I very much can believe that... and I do. [sigh]
  • Leon Meager: Sara... [footsteps] You must not let that get to you.
  • Saraquael: [sigh] How can I not? [pause, footsteps] I lost a son and two brothers because of this... I lost my best friend, Hanael, over this mess. I sent a third of the Host to found a rival kingdom to escape this doctrine. [footstep] I have spent billions of years trying to undo this mistake. As it turns out, true redemption is a difficult thing to find without completely destroying one's self in the process. [sigh]
  • Donna Rich: Sara I don't mean to sound self-centered, but why are you telling us this? Why are we privy to this confession? How does this concern us?
  • Saraquael: Forgive me. This is a long story. Please allow me to explain how it began. It will all make sense in time. Just... be patient.
  • Donna Rich: Fair enough. Proceed...
  • Saraquael: I struggled with this, even before I lost family to this lie. [sigh, footsteps] I had bore witness to the divisions forming in the camps. I foolishly thought the answer was to address Samael and his followers. I would be honest as possible. They valued honesty to a fault... I thought if they knew where I was coming from, they would agree that it was best to keep this lie for the good of the kingdom. [sigh] I addressed the highest echelons of their order: Samael and his three most influential advisors. The so-called Lightbringers of the Morningstar Movement.
  • Donna Rich: The Fallen Lords?
  • Saraquael: Of course that was not their names back then.
  • Leon Meager: Right... Their names are lost.
  • Saraquael: Are they though?
  • Donna Rich: That is what is taught. [pause, sigh] But let me guess? More propaganda?
  • Saraquael: Not quite. [pause] When you think about it, what parts of the Fallen Lords' stories can you recall?
  • Leon Meager: I know that before he was the First of the Fallen, Satan was Samael's right-hand.
  • Donna Rich: And Azazel was a great rabble-rouser.
  • Leon Meager: And before he was Abaddon, the Second of the Fallen was Samael's greatest warrior.
  • Donna Rich: No. He was Heaven's greatest warrior.
  • Leon Meager: Right... Right... Apollyon was Heaven’s greatest warrior. He even defeated Raguel on the battlefield.
  • Donna Rich: Which was why they called him the Destroyer.
  • Saraquael: Interesting, isn't it? You recall the angelic name of Abaddon, but not the others?
  • Donna Rich: Huh... [pause] Now that you mention it, that is strange.
  • Leon Meager: Unless Apollyon is not his true name.
  • Donna Rich: Oh, good point. [pause] That would explain it.
  • Saraquael: [sigh] Apollyon was truly a sight to behold. I will give you that. [pause] He had a warrior's skill, but an artist's heart... and a lover's hands. [sigh]
  • Donna Rich: Uh... Sara?
  • Saraquael: I confess... Apollyon was my Lover. [sigh] I make no secret of it, I am all too aware I have a type... I always had a thing for the bad boy... and a bad boy with a tender heart was like my drug of choice. [sigh, chuckle] Apollyon, Shamash, Destruction... [long sigh] I cannot help myself.
  • Leon Meager: Believe me, I know the feeling. Ellie does this thing with her lips that—
  • Donna Rich: [clears throat] Can we focus here?
  • [in unison:] Saraquael: Sorry. Leon Meager: Oops.
  • Saraquael: Where was I?
  • Donna Rich: You addressed the leaders of the Morningstar movement?
  • Saraquael: Yes... That is where I met Apollyon. Well... Where I first learned to appreciate his hidden depths. The way his gaze was both intense and soft. The way his words both penetrated and comforted me. I felt absolutely exposed around him... and yet, he also made me feel safe.
  • Donna Rich: ... [sigh] Sara, we get it. You were in love with the traitor. It's all very tragic and poignant. Sure... But... [sigh] Please, continue.
  • Saraquael: Well, despite my efforts to stop it, the rebellion happened. I had a chance to sideline Apollyon. As much as I loved him, he loved me in equal measure. I don't understand how he could. I did nothing so grand to deserve his affection... Yet, when I begged him to exercise his precious agency to sit out the conflict, he agreed... but I could not let him make that sacrifice for me. I felt like I was shackling the very thing that made him so beautiful and wonderful. [sigh] I told him to follow his heart... But if I had known what would happen, I would have smothered his agency and kept him shackled to my bed until the smoke had cleared from the battlefields. [long sigh] He was the second one to receive the most awful of punishments ever unleashed upon our kind... and I was among those that had the power to stop it. [sob:] And the worst of it was he didn't blame me. Moments before they cut off his wings, our gazes locked. He gave me the most subtle shake of his head. Without words, he lectured me a thousand volumes' worth of knowledge. He told me he did not blame me and assured me I was not to blame myself for what had happened. This was his choice and he accepted his punishment. [sniff, sniff, whimper] He didn't make a single sound as they cast him into the pit, but his eyes... His eyes lingered on me even long after he disappeared into the darkness. I know this as I could feel his gaze... [long sigh]
  • Leon Meager: I see what happened... The Presence pardoned him? Because of his bravery the Presence rescinded his punishment and let us remember him?
  • Donna Rich: [sniff] Shh... Let her finish, Leon!
  • Leon Meager: Right... Sorry.
  • Saraquael: No. It's fine... [deep breath, footsteps] No. His punishment was intact. I remember the pain of not being able to remember his name for what felt like a brief eternity. It pained me so much. I had given some of my best moments to him and those memories had become clouded by an infuriating haze. I petitioned my Father to undo what was done to him... under the pretense of giving universal pardons but I was denied, time and again. [sigh] That's how I became known as the merciful archangel. [chuckle, footsteps] If only the Host knew just how vindictive I can be...
  • Donna Rich: Did you ever go to Hell and reunite with him?
  • Saraquael: No...
  • Donna Rich: Never? Not even once in those early days?
  • Saraquael: [nervous chuckle] I was afraid Abaddon would be too different. Abaddon was an unknown entity to me. If Abaddon was too different, I would only feel I had lost more than I had already. [pause] No... I took solace in other ways. I began to drown my pain on Earth... in a sea of meaningless sex. [chuckle] Until I met Shamash... and we all know how that ended. It resulted in the birth of my son.
  • Leon Meager: Senael...
  • Saraquael: Yes. [footsteps] But even my new lover and my son chose Hell rather than be confined by the shackles of Heaven. And so I suffered alone...
  • Donna Rich: What about when Abaddon left Hell?
  • Leon Meager: Abaddon left Hell?
  • Donna Rich: That is what I have heard. He left... what? Two hundred years ago? He had grown tired of the politics and wanted to find a remote corner of the Void to create his own kingdom.
  • Saraquael: Her own kingdom.
  • Donna Rich: Excuse me?
  • Saraquael: The punishment given to Apollyon was created on the same principle as the Rite of Rebirth. Only a warped, deformed version of it. A mockery of it in the foulest sense of the word. [sigh] When what was left of Apollyon tried to rebuild themselves, they became female and took the name Abaddon. A beautiful succubus if ever there was one. Hair as red as the petals of a blood-soaked rose. A kiss more dangerous than the sharpest blade... or so the rumors said. I never experienced those in person...
  • Donna Rich: Uh-huh... Are you sure about that?
  • Saraquael: I am. [scoff] What kind of scandal would it cause for an archangel to have secret meetings with a demon prince? [chuckle] It would certainly ignite a war. Besides, there was no way for it to happen... It is forbidden for angels to take comfort in the embrace of demons.
  • Donna Rich: Forbidden, but it happens... Asmodel and Wallace Johnson are proof of that.
  • Saraquael: Yes, but I would never go against my Father's—
  • Donna Rich: Senael's father is a demon.
  • Saraquael: Yes, but that was before I knew that and—
  • Leon Meager: We've been to the secret catacombs...
  • Donna Rich: We've seen the intimate chambers there, too. [pause] I noticed that for a place designed for casual hook-ups, they had an impressive library.
  • Saraquael: ... [chuckle] Obviously, I cannot confirm or deny what you're telling me as I lack any knowledge of such luxuries beneath my son's castle.
  • Leon Meager: Who said they were in Melothm?
  • Saraquael: [nervous chuckle] Oh, just a lucky guess...
  • Donna Rich: Yeah... Of course. [scoff, sigh] Anyway... If you know so much about Abaddon, do you know where she is?
  • Saraquael: Oh, I have a very good idea where to find them.
  • Donna Rich: Okay. Then why aren't we there, speaking to her? Why did you bring us to the World Forge?
  • Saraquael: Patience, dear. [sigh] Now, so there we were. Two-hundred years ago, Abaddon left Hell. She had sought out to create a better Hell. Though the Void is endless, she struggled to find a place to build a new kingdom and so she looked elsewhere.
  • Leon Meager: Where?
  • Saraquael: Everywhere.
  • Leon Meager: The Dreaming?
  • Saraquael: There and everywhere else. The intrinsic fields, the surface of the Murums, distant planets in the far reaches of realities, and even the Bleed.
  • Donna Rich: Oh... So that explains it. [scoff] Abaddon was consumed by the Bleed. That is why Apollyon's punishment no longer holds effect.
  • Saraquael: No... The Bleed was not what ended Abaddon's life.
  • Donna Rich: Nothing can survive the Bleed, though.
  • Saraquael: Tell that to my Mother. [scoff] She vacations in the Bleed.
  • Donna Rich: The Genetrix is not a demon.
  • Saraquael: No, but she is what we archangels are modeled upon... and archangels are what angels are modeled upon... and though we protest the memory of the Fallen ever having been angels, the truth is that they were. So, somewhere in every angel, whether arch-, or former, or humble muse... There is a sliver of my Mother's greatness. Abaddon found that sliver and used that to endure the Bleed until she found Her.
  • Leon Meager: Who?
  • Saraquael: My Mother.
  • Leon Meager: Wait... Did the Genetrix kill Abaddon?
  • Saraquael: No! [scoff, chuckle] My Mother loves all Her children... even the Fallen Ones. [sigh] It's one of Her most problematic qualities. [sigh] And I can say that because I think She cursed me with such a damn burden, too. [sigh, footsteps]
  • Donna Rich: But Abaddon did die? If not by your Mother's hand, then whose?
  • Saraquael: [sigh] Mine...
  • Leon Meager: [gasp] You?
  • [in unison:] Donna Rich: But you loved her! Leon Meager: But you loved him!
  • Saraquael: My Mother brought Abaddon here. I don't know how She did it, but She convinced Alpheus to surrender a portion of his workshop for a time. Then She summoned me here and asked me to do the impossible... or what had been the impossible.
  • Donna Rich: She reunited you with Abaddon. How sweet.
  • Saraquael: [scoff] Sweet?! [chuckle] No. It was anything but sweet. I had moved on. I was happy with Destruction... the last thing I needed was my old infernal flame to saunter back into my life. [long sigh] Not to mention I had several other projects I was in the middle of... for Father... and for Destruction. [sigh] But I couldn't deny my Mother. Could I? I'm nothing if not the dutiful daughter! [sniff] Even if it would break my heart...
  • Donna Rich: Your Mother asked you to kill Abaddon?
  • Leon Meager: A mercy kill?
  • Saraquael: [sigh] No... Nothing like that. [sigh] Mother asked me to use the World Forge to undo what had been done to Abaddon. She wanted me to bring Apollyon back. She wanted me to bestow Abaddon with true redemption. [pause, sigh] So I gave it my best shot.
  • Leon Meager: Your best shot?
  • Donna Rich: I think I see where this is going...
  • Saraquael: You do?
  • Donna Rich: [long sigh] You're our mother, aren't you?
  • Saraquael: What?
  • Leon Meager: What? [pause, gasp] Wait... are you?
  • Saraquael: I'm confused... How did you come to that idea?
  • Donna Rich: I just figured... that you gave it your best shot, you failed, and then you and your quasi-angel lover got busy and... you know... made us.
  • Saraquael: [sigh] Do you think I solve all my issues with sex?
  • Donna Rich: Yes.
  • Saraquael: [chuckle] You know me too well. [sigh] But, I digress, in this instance I did not get busy. [footsteps, sigh] I could not... because I did not redeem Abaddon. Nor did I remake Apollyon. [sigh] I thought I had all the calculations right but when I activated the machinery, tempered the solution, calibrated the essence redistributor, and then put the lens of creation on my patient... [pause] They were gone. I had unmade them.
  • Leon Meager: So you killed them... on accident.
  • Saraquael: [sigh] Yes... and no. [sigh] They were gone, but in their place was a supernal egg.
  • Donna Rich: Wait...
  • Saraquael: Upon examination, I discovered that the crystallized essence had an identical esoteric make-up to Abaddon. Further, it was completely viable as I could sense the life forming inside it. [sigh] It may have been too early in its development to notice that there were two lives in it, but—
  • Donna Rich: Are you saying that—?
  • Saraquael: I put the crystal into the soul distributor... [pause] Let's see... Where is that? [footsteps] Ah, yes. There it is, right there. Yes. I put the crystallized egg there and let it be deposited into the reality. It appeared in the Void right above the Silver City by design. That way no one would question its authenticity. No one would know that the angel born from it was once a demon who had been one of Heaven's greatest enemies. [sigh] No one would think I had anything to do with redeeming my lost lover... going against the edicts of my Father at the behest of my Mother...
  • Leon Meager: Wait... so are you saying that we're Abaddon?
  • Saraquael: No... Of course not.
  • Leon Meager: [sigh] Whew. That's a relief...
  • Saraquael: I'm saying she is.
  • Donna Rich: Excuse me? I... I'm not— I'm— [scoff, chuckle] You jest.
  • Saraquael: Well, no... I mean, you both are Abaddon... to some degree. You could sense it some degree, Donna, couldn't you? All along. That's why you chose that name. Donna... Abaddon...
  • Donna Rich: I... I... [gasp] Oh, my God... I think you're right... [sigh] I hate that it makes so much sense... Wait, is that why your Father made me The Voice?
  • Saraquael: Yes... At some point, early on, Father realized something was amiss. He confronted me about it... and I did not deny it. He knew Mother was behind it... I think that is why I was spared any punishment, but He kept me away from you both as much as possible. For my own protection from my siblings, I'm certain. So He took over your fostering. He placed Donna in the care of the Metatron and sequestered Leon to Earth.
  • Leon Meager: So, she's the redeemed Fallen One... and I'm what? The leftovers? The accidental byproduct of this redemption? Is that it? Is that why I'm contaminated by the Bleed? Is that why I was drawn to an infernal lover? Is that why I rebel against Heaven?
  • Saraquael: [sigh, footsteps, hand placed on cheek] No, Leon... My dear, sweet thing... You are not an accident. You are the experiment's very intent. You have a little Abaddon in you. To be sure, but you are much more than that...
  • Leon Meager: What? What am I then?
  • Saraquael: You are Apollyon reborn.
  • Leon Meager: ...Wait... What?
  • Donna Rich: ...Uh... say that again?
  • Saraquael: [chuckle] There are some superficial changes to be certain. The red hair and wings replacing Apollyon's golden locks and plumage. The Bleed contamination may have something to do with that... but the resemblance is uncanny. [chuckle, hand stroking cheek] I must remember to ask Ellie if your kisses are still as magical as they once were... [sigh, footsteps] No matter, though. Now is not the time...
  • Leon Meager: But... I can't be Apollyon... I'm... I'm the Meager Muse! Everything I know about Apollyon was that he was the greatest of the principalities!
  • Donna Rich: One of the greatest... [scoff] You know you're Apollyon for five seconds and you're already having delusions of grandeur. [scoff] Typical...
  • Saraquael: Leon... Trust me. You are Apollyon. You always have been. You know it as well as I do... Leon... Apollyon. If you need any further proof, ask yourself why you were attracted to Ellie of all humans. Is it because she is from my line? [pause] Part of her reminds some part of you of me... doesn't it? [scoff] That sounds awfully egoist of me, doesn't it? [chuckle] But that's the truth, isn't it? [sigh] Or ask why my Father chose you to sire Him. Apollyon was undefeated but was humble enough to surrender for his punishment at the command of Samael. You showed that same strength when you withstood the torture of Asmodel! [sigh] My Father wanted your strength to become His own! That is why He chose you!
  • Leon Meager: No... [scoff, chuckle] This is another trick... You're lying to me. I... I can't be Apollyon! Look at me! I'm pathetic! I'm a joke! I'm— [scoff, whimper] [sob:] I'm the Meager Muse! And nothing more! [supernal thrum, wings spread, whoosh, blipt]
  • Saraquael: Leon! [groan, supernal thrum, wings spread]
  • Donna Rich: [rapid footsteps, grapple] No... He'll be fine... Just... [sigh] Let him be...
  • Saraquael: [sigh, pause] Oh... [long sigh, hand stroking cheek] I hate it when you're right.
  • Donna Rich: Uh...
  • Saraquael: [nervous chuckle] Sorry... I just... [footsteps, nervous chuckle] I got a bit lost in your gaze there.
  • Donna Rich: My eyes are up here, though...
  • Saraquael: [scoff] Ha ha... That's what I used to always tell you. [chuckle, pause] Well, the old you... [scoff] You know what I mean.

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