Earth-27 Wiki
A New Horizon 12

ObMod: A New Horizon 12



VOX Archive[]

  • Violeta Campos: This is how I found her... in my lab. I brought her here. I didn't know what else to do. She's breathing. Her heart is beating. She's just not responsive.
  • Alex Parker: It's okay, Vi. She's going to be fine. I already paged Joey. He's on his way.
  • Hank Henderson: Honestly, can we go a full day without a complete collapse of order on this Sphere? [door whooshes open, footsteps, door clamps closed] Lyla, I see you heard.
  • Harbinger: Yes. I would have come sooner, but I was investigating the lab.
  • Violeta Campos: Not much to investigate. The place is a room of scorched air, ashes, and gore... Oh, and the Father's Box.
  • Harbinger: There was enough there. You just have to know what to look for. Has anyone informed Elissa?
  • Hank Henderson: I sent Snyder and Walsh to find her. They should be here any minute.
  • Alex Parker: You sent a Red Lantern to deliver bad news? Hank, are you mental?
  • Hank Henderson: I had just freed them from the room Angie sealed them in when I got the report to come down here. Mike and crazy Lauren were my immediate options.
  • Violeta Campos: Perhaps not telling Elissa was the better solution?
  • Ellie MacKay: [door whooshes open, footsteps: 3 instances, door clamps closed, rapid footsteps, whimper] Angie, I'm here. Whatever I did, I'm sorry. Just come back. Please?
  • Michael Walsh: Remember what we discussed, Ellie. The important thing is that she's not-
  • Ellie MacKay: Shut up, Mike! She's in a coma!
  • Harbinger: Actually, she's not in a coma. She's in a state of stasis.
  • Ellie MacKay: What... What do you mean?
  • Harbinger: The Monitor placed her in a state of quantum stasis. Shall I demonstrate?
  • Ellie MacKay: Uh... I guess?
  • Harbinger: This is going to be very alarming, and I apologize for this, but- [vorpal crackling]
  • Ellie MacKay: What... No!
  • Harbinger: [vorpal blast, scream, panicked shouts, stunned silence] As you can see, not a scratch on her.
  • Lauren Snyder: Holy [expletive]! She's invulnerable?
  • Harbinger: Essentially.
  • Violeta Campos: How is that possible?
  • Harbinger: Cosmic powers. The Monitor must have placed her in stasis to protect her from the blast.
  • Alex Parker: So if she's invulnerable, what was with the blood? Vi said there was so much blood...
  • Harbinger: That gore was the remains of the Monitor.
  • Michael Walsh: The Monitor's dead?!
  • Harbinger: For the time being. Death is really more of an inconvenience for the likes of him. So long as at least one of his consciousnesses remains intact, he can reform.
  • Lauren Snyder: I'm going to regret asking this, I just know it, but... consciousnesses? How many does he have exactly?
  • Harbinger: Even I am uncertain of that. There are at least four... or five depending on how you look at it. The Monitor is his most powerful avatar in this reality, but he also has placed a fragment of his conscious mind in the bodies of a human, an Oan, and a Genesisian. And all of these are mere fragments of a far greater being.
  • Alex Parker: So... Wait, the Monitor is made up of several entities? Just like the Anti-Monitor?
  • Harbinger: The opposite of the Anti-Monitor, actually. The Anti-Monitor is several beings formed into a singular body. The Monitor is a singular being with several bodies.
  • Alex Parker: So his human form, the one we both know about...
  • Harbinger: Is likely still intact, yes. I understand this is complicated. I myself am only able to understand crude details due to my newly given cosmic abilities.
  • Violeta Campos: Well then I assume I am to thank my own trans-dimensional abilities for my ability to follow all this perfectly.
  • Harbinger: I would assume that to be the case, yes. You have spent your life unlocking the secrets of the cosmos and your abilities have further enabled you.
  • Violeta Campos: Well, thank you, but there is still something I don't understand. Why didn't the Monitor protect himself as well?
  • Michael Walsh: I was just thinking that myself.
  • Harbinger: Lack of time, perhaps? I cannot say.
  • Ellie MacKay: So... Can– Can you wake her up?
  • Harbinger: No.
  • Ellie MacKay: Why not?
  • Harbinger: I cannot undo that which the Monitor has done.
  • Ellie MacKay: Fine... How long until she wakes up? When does this effect wear off?
  • Harbinger: I... I don't know. I'm sorry, Ellie. It may never wear off. I cannot know for certain. Only the Monitor could know.
  • Ellie MacKay: When's he coming back?
  • Harbinger: Could be today, could be tomorrow, or it could be a matter of days, weeks, months, years, or even centuries. I cannot say. It is at the whims of the Fatewriter.
  • Lauren Snyder: The Fatewriter? Who the [expletive] is that?
  • Harbinger: I am not certain myself. I believe that is the Monitor's true form... the actual cosmic creator. A being that lives in the Beyond, in the realm of Fanatics.
  • Ellie MacKay: I don't care about any of this– this nonsense! I just want Angie back! Now! I can't wait for centuries! I need her back now!
  • Alex Parker: It's okay, Ellie. The Monitor may be dead, sorta, for now... but I know a guy that can help. He, uh... You won't believe this. He lives in Gotham City, actually.

Trivia and Notes[]

Links and References[]
