Earth-27 Wiki
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Mick Rory[]

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Heat Wave[]

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Arkham Files[]

Medical Profile[]

  • Patient is in good health overall, but has a good deal of scarred tissue from burns, both recent and years old.

Psychological Profile[]

  • Patient is an emotionally unstable pyromaniac with anger management issues.
  • Patient is a career criminal who has issues with lawful authority, however in more recent years, his dealings with Patient Snart (#61957) have curbed his more ruthless tendencies and focused his rage away from innocent civilians.
  • Patient's pyromaniac first manifested as a child when, after setting his house ablaze, he became so fixated by the fire that he watched his family burn alive.

Behavior Profile[]

  • Patient has a long-standing criminal history with a number of other patients, known as the "Rogues" security threat group. As with all threat groups, staff shall monitor their interactions and report all suspicious activity to security.
  • Patient poses a severe escape risk.
  • Patient's cell should be searched daily for anything combustible or flammable.
  • Patient's cell should have no access to electricity.
  • ASSAULT WARNING: Patient has short temper and is violent if angered.
  • Patient's file is flagged as a candidate for transfer to the Iron Heights mobile prison project after its completion.
  • Threat Assignment: Severe
  • Treatment Ranking: 4-Resistant
  • Intake Interviewer: Dr. Roy Westerman
  • Assigned Patient Coordinator: Dr. Edgar Cizko[1]

Threat Assessment[]


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Analytics []

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Trivia and Notes[]


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  • Heat Wave's Patient number (#63140) is a nod to his first comic book appearance: Flash #140, in 1963.
  • Mick Rory's look in Earth-27 is based on Dominic Purcell, who portrays him in The Flash and DC's Legends of Tomorrow TV shows.
  • The note of being an escape risk is a nod to the TV show Prison Break, another show starring Dominic Purcell.


Arkham Files[]

Links and References[]
