Earth-27 Wiki
VOX Box To Die For 1

VOX Box: To Die For 1



  • English Countryside, UK
  • January 26th 2017, 2351 Local Time

VOX Archive[]

  • Monique Forcier: [footsteps] Babe, they're here. Are we good to go?
  • Tatiana Bisset: Yeah. [switch click, switch click, button press, muffled engines start] We're clear for take-off.
  • Monique Forcier: I love you. [footsteps] Emma, how about you? You ready?
  • Emma Campbell: [sigh, pause, page turning] Yeah...
  • Monique Forcier: Great. You want me to help Rina and Nathan bring their stuff aboard?
  • Emma Campbell: [pause, page turning] Nope...
  • Monique Forcier: [sigh, footsteps] ... [crank, clatter, door opens, clatter] There you are. What took you so long? I'm surprised we got so lucky that no Fingermen came to check out this plane parked out in this field...
  • Rina Nishida: [footsteps] Yeah, well, London's a pain in the ass to get through... And Nathan took some convincing.
  • Monique Forcier: You must be losing your touch.
  • Rina Nishida: [giggle, footsteps on stairs] Well, next time feel free to send Emma to seduce the exiled assassin.
  • Emma Campbell: [page turning] Oh, [expletive] you, Rina.
  • Rina Nishida: Yeah? You want to do that? Let's go... or we can wait until we're airborne, and I can give you a mile high club membership card.
  • Emma Campbell: Tempting, but as much as I want to throw my heterosexuality out the window, I can't help but recall being present when you drank that potion that turned your honeytrap into a literal death trap. [pause, page turning] Speaking of which, where is the dead man walking?
  • Nathan Scofield: [pant, gasp, stumbling footsteps on stairs] ... Here... [pant, pant, stumbling footsteps]
  • Emma Campbell: Oh [expletive], Nate. You look like [expletive]!
  • Nathan Scofield: [sore chuckle, stumbling footsteps, groan, body collapsing into chair] Nice to see you, too, Emma...
  • Emma Campbell: I heard you got lucky. [giggle] Did you have Gizmo watch or did you have him face the wall?
  • Nathan Scofield: ... [sneer, wheeze, gasp, cough, cough, gasp, wheeze]
  • Monique Forcier: Rina, is he going to survive the flight?
  • Rina Nishida: Yeah. I'll top him off in a bit. We've got that bedroom in the back for a reason, right?
  • Nathan Scofield: [wheeze, wheeze, gasp, gasp] ...
  • Monique Forcier: Is he going to make it that long?
  • Rina Nishida: Hmm... You know what? Now that you mention it, I'm wondering if he got a deeper dose than intended.
  • Monique Forcier: You want to-?
  • Rina Nishida: Yeah, I'll take care of it. [footsteps] Come on, Nate. Let's go take care of your fix, so you can see straight. Come on. [grapple, grunt]
  • Nathan Scofield: [stumbling footsteps, gasp] If you insist... [wheeze, cough, stumbling footsteps] Oh, I need Gizmo... I can't leave him with the bitch. [clatter]
  • Gizmo: Buh-bye!
  • Emma Campbell: Have the good sex! [giggle, page turning]
  • Monique Forcier: Emma, why don't you actually go and give Rina and Nate a hand?
  • Emma Campbell: [scoff] Excuse me?
  • Monique Forcier: ...
  • Emma Campbell: You want me to-?
  • Monique Forcier: [sigh] Not like that! [groan, clatter, door closes, groan, crank] I don't want the precious cargo dying before we're over international waters. Just... Help Rina get him back there and stuff. I don't know, maybe help get them started... [pause] Also, not like that! [sigh] Or you what? Maybe, yeah... Just do something! Be useful! Stow his luggage or whatever.
  • Emma Campbell: [magazine pages fluttering, sigh, clatter, footsteps] Fine. [footsteps] But for the record, the reason we didn't get Fingermen patrols out here was that I rerouted all calls in the area to a dummy bot I set up. [footsteps, door opens] But do I get a "Thanks, Emma. You're a big help, Emma"? Nope... [door closes, footsteps] I get a "Emma, make yourself useful, go help Rina [expletive] her dying boyfriend..." [sigh, footsteps, door opens, footsteps, door closes] Monique says I need to help you. What can I do to help?
  • Rina Nishida: Uh... [groan]
  • Nathan Scofield: [body falling onto mattress, labored breathing] ...
  • Rina Nishida: Well, [expletive], he passed out. Want to get his pants? [shoe kicked off, shoe kicked off]
  • Emma Campbell: Can't you?
  • Rina Nishida: [buttons snapping] Well, I was going to get my own... [fabric shifting]
  • Emma Campbell: Right... [sigh, footsteps, belt buckle unfastening, zipper unzipping, fabric shifting, groan, fabric shifting] Uh... We have a problem.
  • Rina Nishida: [fabric shifting, fabric dropped to floor, footsteps, sigh] Okay... Uh... Let me see here...
  • Emma Campbell: I can't watch this. [sigh, feet shuffling] Any luck?
  • Rina Nishida: [giggle] I think we have liftoff...
  • Nathan Scofield: [groan] Where... am... I? [gasp] Where's Gizmo?!
  • Gizmo: Gizmo h-
  • Rina Nishida: Shh, shh... Welcome back, babe... [body straddling body] Now, just relax... [gasp]
  • Emma Campbell: Yeah, I'm just gonna- [feet shuffling, gasp] Yikes... I'm just going to take his luggage and- [clatter] Yeah, Gizmo don't need to see this...
  • Gizmo: No, thanks.
  • Emma Campbell: [door opens, footsteps, door closes] That's messed up...
  • Gizmo: Uh-huh.
  • Rina Nishida: [muffled gasp, muffled giggle] [muffled:] !!!
  • Emma Campbell: [shudder, footsteps, door opens, footsteps, door closes, footsteps] Okay, our dearly depraved Rina is doing her thing. Any other traumatic experiences I can engage in to be helpful to the cause? [footsteps, pause] Wait, where's Monique?
  • Tatiana Bisset: She went to the bathroom, I think... [switch click] If you want to lend me a hand, you can check those panels over there for me.
  • Emma Campbell: Co-piloting a plane sounds a lot better than co-piloting Nathan's junk. [clatter]
  • Tatiana Bisset: [giggle] I'm sure.
  • Emma Campbell: [clatter, body settling into seat, pause] They look good to me.
  • Tatiana Bisset: Great. In that case, we'll take off as soon as Monique gives the order. We still off Fingermen's radar?
  • Emma Campbell: As far as I can tell... [giggle] The good thing about this country basically telling the rest of the world to go [expletive] themselves is that the world stopped sharing its fancy technology with them. Their cutting edge stuff is like fifteen years old at this point. It's like I'm the reigning world champion from China playing ping-pong against a one-armed amateur.
  • Tatiana Bisset: [chuckle] Nice. Kinda takes the fun out of it, doesn't it?
  • Emma Campbell: A bit, yeah... [sigh, chuckle]
  • Tatiana Bisset: So, why do you think we're going through all this trouble for some alssabiq?
  • Emma Campbell: [scoff] Is this some sort of test?
  • Tatiana Bisset: No. I'm just curious if you have theories.
  • Emma Campbell: I got theories, sure... But you know that. You're the mind-reader.
  • Tatiana Bisset: You know I don't do that to any of you without permission.
  • Emma Campbell: Not even Monique?
  • Tatiana Bisset: Especially not even Monique... [scoff, chuckle] Marriage is hard enough without digging up all stray, unfiltered and uncensored thoughts of your spouse. [pause] I know Monique knows why Talia wants Scofield brought to the States, but she has not shared that with me. Probably because she was told not to... I need to respect that, which is why I am asking you instead of her.
  • Emma Campbell: Okay... Yeah, well, I don't want to voice my overly cynical and bitchy ideas. Especially since they're probably wrong.
  • Tatiana Bisset: I doubt they're wrong. You're smarter than anyone else on this plane.
  • Emma Campbell: No... I'm pretty sure Nathan's little doll here is the real genius. Ain't that right, Gizmo? [clatter, chuckle]
  • Gizmo: Testify!
  • Emma Campbell: ... [chuckle]
  • Tatiana Bisset: The way you rail on that thing, I'd have thought you hated that thing... All of a sudden, you want one of your own?
  • Emma Campbell: I just like to give Nate [expletive].
  • Tatiana Bisset: Because you secretly love him?
  • Emma Campbell: [gasp] What the [expletive], Tati?! Reading my mind without my permission! I thought we were- [pause]
  • Tatiana Bisset: ... [pause] I was-
  • Gizmo: Uh-oh.
  • Emma Campbell: [expletive]. You were just teasing me.
  • Tatiana Bisset: Yeah, I was-
  • Gizmo: Awkward... [fabric shifting]
  • Emma Campbell: [sigh, groan] [expletive]!
  • Tatiana Bisset: You really love him?
  • Emma Campbell: [gasp] No! I... I don't love him, I just... [scoff] I could never love anyone. I'm sure my heart is rotten to the core at this point, it's just... [sigh]
  • Tatiana Bisset: Emma-
  • Emma Campbell: You can't tell a soul, Tatiana! I swear if you do, I'll-
  • Tatiana Bisset: I promise, Emma. I won't tell a soul-
  • Monique Forcier: [footsteps] Won't tell a soul what? [pause, scoff] Never mind, girl talk can wait. Let's get this bird in the air and get the hell out of this cesspit.

Trivia and Notes[]

Links and References[]
